Tuesday, September 20, 2011

7 terrible instrument of torture

Shoes who are duri2 sharp iron leg used to handcuff prisoners in prison. 

Heretic's eye FORK2 
front forks rear was tied at the neck, one direction at the plug under his chin and a plug it back in under the neck. 

DUNKING Stool This tool is used specifically to punish the women. Women are told to sit in a chair who just above the river and after that the chair in the river who naikturunkan from within and dirty until the woman has been killed out of breath. 

THE BOOTS Torture The inside spiked sharply to pierce the arm kaki.Seharusnya these tools using a nail into wood antecedent arms front and rear legs, but because the picture is not available 

Water Torture This punishment came from Eastern Europe and usually do well in Japan. These penalties are forcing the victim to drink water in large numbers! and after the victim could not stand it anymore, well then that sentence is done, the executioner jumped right on top of already bloated stomach who continued until the victim ... dead .. 

CAT'S Paws Very simple, the victim was tied and the lift and this tool will perlahan2 tear the skin and the whole body of the victim to the bone.

THE RACK Victim's hands and feet tied with rope in the opposite direction and the rope is pulled by force using the machine until the victim's body was destroyed and split 2 

Quartering BY HORSES Just as The Rack, but if that is one by one the hands and feet tied one one and drawn by horses and simultaneously using the victim's body in a moment everything is disconnected from the body.