Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Some Fact Of Porn Online Site

Here are some facts that occurred in cyberspace on Pornography. following his narrative:

1. There are over 26 million porn sites

2. Online porn industry makes more than $ 3,000 per second mad

3. There are 40 million consumers online pornographic content in America

4. more than half of all online porn revenue $ 4.9 billion

5. 8% of all emails sent are pornographic or 2.5 billion emails sent every day are pornographic content

6. 1 of 4 search is all about pornography

7. More than a third of all downloaded porn

8. Most people find with the word 'sex' NOT looking for porn, adult dating
Most people searching for porn DO NOT search for 'porn'

9. Utah residents subscribe to porn sites more than anyone else

10. People get more porn than They want

11. This is a small part of the whole, but still there are a number of horrific child pornography out there

12. The children began to look at porn at age 11

13. 1 in 5 men watch porn while WORK

14. Sunday is the peak for the hunter to consume porn porn